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Michigan School Shooting: Crumbley Parents Face Prison Time for 15 Years After Guilty Verdict

Parents of Ethan Crumbly, who killed four people in Michigan School Shooting, Jennifer and James Crumbley are sentenced for 15 years in Prison.

Michigan School Shooting

Michigan School Shooting: Prosecutors Seek 10+ Year Sentences for Parents

On Tuesday, April 9th,2024, Ethan Crumbly’s Parents were found guilty of the manslaughter their son had caused in oxford school shooting case, for being unable to stop their son from taking lives of four innocent children’s, in one of the deadliest school shooting cases in the history, were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison.

The Separate jury trials, running in February and March, both of them found them guilty in trials.

In Michigan, a penalty of up to 15 years in prison is served for Involuntary manslaughter. In Court last week, the prosecutors submitted documents requesting Crumbley’s to serve up to 10 years minimum, since they were already in jail for over two years now awaiting trial.

Judge Cheryl Matthews from the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac, Michigan, emphasized that parents cannot foresee everything.

However, she clarified that the convictions were not solely about parenting skills but rather about repeatedly disregarding warning signs. It’s akin to ignoring alarms that any reasonable person would heed.

At the hearing on Tuesday, both Jennifer and James Crumbley spoke before the judge handed down the sentence.

Jennifer Crumbley conveyed her remorse to the families of the victims, recognizing the suffering caused by the incident. While she acknowledged that forgiveness might be difficult, she offered her sincere apologies for the pain inflicted.

Similarly, James Crumbley expressed regret for not being aware of his son’s actions or intentions. He lamented not taking different steps if he had known about the situation earlier to prevent the tragedy.

Michigan School Shooting: What Victim’s Relatives had to Say?

Relatives of the victims also took the stand during the hearing, sharing their heartbreak and anguish over the tragic events.


Michigan School Shooting: Crumbley Sentencing

Ethan Crumbley, son of Jennifer and James Crumbley, was only 15 when he carried out the tragic shooting at Oxford High School.

His actions led to the deaths of Justin, Hana, Madisyn, and Tate, and left seven others injured. Ethan admitted guilt to numerous charges, including first-degree murder, and received a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

Despite this, he retains the right to appeal the decision.

Michigan School Shooting: Oxford High School Also to be blamed?

In Oxford, Michigan, during the tragic shooting at Oxford High School, the Crumbley’s parents of the shooter, left a meeting about their son’s concerning behavior prematurely.

They chose to go to work instead of taking him home.

Later, school staff allowed him to return to class without checking his backpack, which contained the firearm his parents had purchased.

An independent investigation conducted last year highlighted various shortcomings within the school system.

These included the decision to readmit the student to class without adequate security measures.

As a result of these findings, the school district has committed to reassessing and enhancing its protocols and guidelines to prevent such incidents in the future.

For more information, read here.

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